300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Yoga Vidya Present's

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

This 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India is for 200 Hour Yoga TTC Rishikesh India certified yoga practitioners and serious yoga practitioners coming to deepen their skill by joining Advanced Yoga Classes in Rishikesh, India. This Yoga course is for people who are fit, want to dedicate themselves to this inner spiritual practice, want to learn Yoga and believe in spreading knowledge, want to inspire, want to bring more happiness and peace into their community and others lives. Through this 300 hour YTTC, you are welcome to illuminate the yoga path and enlighten the deeper journey of self realization.

Get trained at a beautiful venue in the lush green Himalayan forest, walking distance away from holy river Ganges. Surrounded by energy of rich nature, you will get guidance and support from best yoga masters’ team, led by Prashant J Yoga (most trusted yoga teacher on Youtube). Our advanced yoga program of 300 hours in Rishikesh will open the world of possibilities for your refined practice and confident leadership as a internationally certified yoga teacher. Thousands of our 300-hour certified students are teaching successfully in popular yoga schools, yoga retreats, yoga teacher training, yoga festivals and events around the world.

Deeper Your Yoga Practice and Advance Your Yoga Teachings

Whether you have attended our Online Yoga Classes, Yoga Workshops, 100 hour or 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training or have practiced with any other yoga school, our 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh will uplift your current yoga practice to a higher level with refined alignment and understanding. We meet you where you are, and transform your yoga practice to an inspiring teaching skills with confident voice and structured content and sequences, suitable to individual body types.

We believe how you teach or lead your classes, becomes a representation of who you are, your dedication and devotion towards your practice and how you live it on and off your mat. And this 300 hours will empower you with the qualities of a good yoga practitioner and a great yoga teacher.

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is suitable for those who..

  • 1. Have successfully completed their 200 hours Yoga TTC and want to gain advanced knowledge in yogic science.
  • 2. Are looking forward to gain in depth knowledge of Yoga Philosophy , Yoga Anatomy with respect to biomechanics
  • 3. Are seeking to further deepen their study of asanas and immersive yoga practices of Pranayama, Yoga Nidra and Meditation.
  • 4. Are looking to gain confidence, expertise and experience in taking yoga classes
  • 5. Are planning to take advanced or intermediate level yoga sessions
  • 6. Are truly inspired and focussed to become a 500 RYT yoga teacher and aspire to teach advanced level yoga across the world.

Our Yoga Educational Categories for 300-Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

This 300-Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, is registered with Yoga Alliance USA and focuses mainly on following yoga educational categories:
  • Ashtanga Yoga 5 times week, covering complete primary series
  • Hatha Yoga 5 times a week, covering 60+ Asanas
  • Multiple types of Pranayama and Yogic Breath Work
  • 10+ Meditation Techniques, Including Mindful and Dynamic Meditations
  • Yogic Anatomy + Adjustments alignments from Day 1
  • Every day insightful and engaging sessions of Yogic Philosophy and Yoga Ethics
  • Teaching Methodology, Sequencing and Demonstrations to become an inspiring yoga teacher
  • Ayurveda Sessions on body constitutions, ayurveda herbs to get healed without allopathy
Curriculum Overview

Unleash Your Inner Potential: Dive into Our

Transformative 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh Curriculum!

Hatha Yoga

  • Advanced practice of hatha yoga
  • Preparatory practices of asana
  • Hatha yoga practice from hatha yoga pradeepica
  • Difference between sun salutation and moon salutation
  • Hip opening sequence
  • Two main join opening series
  • Timing to stay in one pose
  • Teaching guidance practice of hatha yoga
  • Practice of hand stand
  • Arm balancing sequence
  • Grounding sequence of asana
  • Benefits of inversions in the practice
  • Sivanada yoga sequence
  • Difference between hatha yoga and raja yoga practice
  • Dynamic practice of hatha yoga


Pranayama (advance learning)

Mudra and Banda

Kriya Yoga

Shatkarma Practice

Vaman Dhoti

Ashtanga Vinyasa

Anatomy Yoga ( therapy approach )

Yoga Philosophy

Alignment and Adjustment

Mantra Chanting and Sanskrit

Yoga Nidra and Meditation

Yoga and Ayurveda

Foundation of Hatha Yoga – Asana

Make Yourself A Healthy Being With

The Benefits Of Yoga.

Year of Experience
Number of Center
8000 ++
Certified Students
Yoga Trainers

Daily Schedule Overview

Daily Schedule for 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

06:00 AMTea Time
06:30 AM - 08:00 AMAsana
08:00 AM - 08:45 AMPranayama
09:00 AM - 10:00 AMBreakfast
10:15 AM - 11:15 AMMantra / Alignment & Adjustment
11:00 AM - 12:00 PMYoga Philosophy
12:00 PM - 03:00 PMLunch & Rest
03:00 PM - 04:00 PMAnatomy / Teaching Methodology
04:15 PM - 05:45 PMAsana Practice With Alignment
06:00 PM - 07:00 PMMeditation
07:30 P.MDinner

Course Fee: 1600 USD

What Does This Yoga Course

Package Include?

  • 28 nights shared room accommodation with attached bathroom.
  • 24x7 Filtered drinking water and hot water.
  • Well-designed Course Material.
  • Beautiful Bag and School T-shirt.
  • Shat Kriyas or Yogic Cleansing Kit.
  • Three nutritious organic meals per day, plus Indian Masala Chai for morning and evening.
  • Cultural Trips and Excursions that include sunrise trek in Himalayas and visit to spiritual caves, ashrams, waterfalls and nearby villages.
  • WiFi and Beautiful sitting area to study and spend quality Me-time
  • On-call Doctor and Emergency Services.

What Is Not Included In This

Yoga Package?s

  • Additional Charges for Private Room $200 USD.
  • Additional Charges for Air Conditioning Room $150 USD.
  • Additional Charges for Pick and Drop and for any taxi services.
About Image

Why Choose 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh at Yoga Vidya School ?

We at Yoga Vidya School invite you to join our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. We offer top quality 300 hour YTTC in Rishikesh that will further hone your skills as a yoga teacher. Headed by Acharya Prashant Jakhmola, we are a Yoga Alliance accredited yoga school imparting best-in-class education in yoga. We offer a number of reasons for choosing us as your most favored yoga school to learn yoga.

  • Exhaustive Curriculum: We offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers each subject in great detail.
  • A Fusion of Traditional Wisdom and Contemporary Trends: Seamlessly combines age-old yogic knowledge with present-day practices to bring about holistic changes in the current lifestyle
  • Committed Yoga Teachers: Learn authentic yoga practices from teachers who have graduated from renowned universities and Yoga Ashrams having several years of experience as dedicated yoga teachers.
  • Nurturing Environment: Yoga Vidya School believes in offering a supportive learning environment for professional and personal growth of students
  • Access to Online Learning: Enrich your knowledge and deepen your yoga practice with access to a number of valuable online courses.

Our Mentors

A team of highly skilled and experienced yoga teachers with diverse yogic backgrounds.
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Swami Atmatattwananda Sarawati

Yoga Philosophy

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Acharya Prashant Jakhmola

Pranayama, Asanas

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Mittra Rawat

Hatha Yoga

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Aparna Sharma

Meditation & Mantras

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Pankaj Sharma

Ashtanga Yoga

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Hatha/ Yoga Therapy

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Shivam Joshi


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Ksenia Rasapriya Bodhi Ji

Yoga Anatomy




more About Our Services


We are blessed with a beautiful building, surrounded by lush green flora and fauna of Himalayas. This 15 -rooms building for 300 hour yoga teacher training students in Rishikesh is a peaceful and comfortable place to rest and relax during the intensive training. Clean linens, Towels, Blankets, Hot Shower, Attached Bathrooms, Wifi Connection is available for all the rooms.

more About Our Services


Bring your yoga practice to the dining table by applying Sattvic and Ayurvedic principles to your eating habits. We offer three vegetarian meals in a day that enhances healthiness and clarity to whole body and mind. Our cooks and kitchen team has rich experience of preparing Indian delicacies like Vegetable curries, Dahls or Lentils, multi-flavoured rice etc. The organic ingredients like spices, wholegrains, herbs, teas, honey are sourced from local villages and the best vendors of the town.


Yoga Alliance USA Certified 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh Course

The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh at Yoga Vidya School is registered with Yoga Alliance USA.

Yoga Alliance is a non-profit organisation that sets standards for yoga teacher training courses, schools and yoga community around the world. They do not provide the yoga training directly to students or practitioners but lay down the guidelines and standards for the syllabus to follow in these month-long yoga teacher training in India or anywhere else. Yoga Alliance Website also maintains the data of the registered yoga teachers who have completed their 200 Hours from the certified yoga schools like Yoga Vidya School.Registering with the Yoga Alliance is an important step for many yoga teachers and yoga industry professionals these days. It certifies them to teach and get yoga teaching jobs at various retreat and yoga teacher training centres. Its an accomplishment, a degree or a badge of honor to display in the professional world of Yoga Community around the globe.

After successfully completing 4 weeks or the 200 hours of our Yoga Course in Rishikesh, you will receive a Yoga Alliance Certificate that allows you to register with Yoga Alliance and teach yoga internationally with a badge of RYT200.


What They Say About Us?

Read and listen the transformative experiences of our yoga students and participants. Discover how our yoga teacher training, yoga classes and yoga retreats have helped them achieve their spiritual awakening, personal and professional development.
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The liberty, the inside oneness and openess that I felt after Prashant's classes always fullfilled me. I could feel the energy rising as well as the expansion of my limits. It is with a deep work of precision, humor, gentleness and perseverance that he gives his class. Prashant allowed me to go deeper on my and others and open new pathways. He's on of those who inspire and stays next to you for time ahead. Thank Prashant to have align me in so many ways and brought me further on. See you soon
Testimonial Image
I believe Yoga Vidya School’s 200 hour yoga teacher training can change anybody's view on Yoga and its practice. The course teach you about real yogic lifestyle with its true meaning. The yoga teachers of this school have rich knowledge of all the aspects and principles of Yoga and goes deep into it to make it accessible to all level of students. Mantra and philosophy classes can give you a whole new energy. Another important factor that make this school the best, is its location away from the crowd of hotels and yoga schools of Rishikesh. The place is blessed with nature, making you feel like a real yoga retreat in jungle.

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300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ section of Yoga Vidya School addresses common queries about Yoga Classes, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Retreats, Online & Offline Yoga Events. You will also find answers to the queries related to enrolment process, accommodation and more.
Who Is The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training For?
What Is The Purpose Of 300 Hours of Yoga TTC in Rishikesh?
What One Learn From 300 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training in India?