About the Author

Prashant Ji

Acharya Prashant Jakhmola

Yogi Prashant was born into a Brahmin family in Rishikesh, India. A science graduate, he began his path of yoga with a visit to Shivananda Ashram where he learnt from one of the oldest yogis, 80 years old yoga guru, learning the basics of traditional yoga and philosophy, while continuing his Asana practice with Yogi Rudra Ji, a popular Iyengar Yoga Teacher in Rishikesh. He then explored Iyengar Yoga with Usha Devi Ji.The turning point of his life is, visit to Bihar School Of Yoga where he got pu


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Blog Posted on:14/12/2023
Total Blog Read:114
How To Become A Certified Yoga Teacher in 7 Steps

Yoga teacher training is evolving with each passing year and if you are aware of yoga industry stats and how it is growing across India, USA, and other countries on the planet, you would certainly agree with the statement.

Owing to its unprecedented fame and reverence, yoga teaching has become exciting for millions across the world. It is not just because people are more health-conscious than ever but also due to the fact that yoga teaching is a rewarding journey.

You build a career along with positive influences on your mental and physical states. Moreover, yoga is known to cure a number of diseases and disorders. So, when you take up yoga teacher training courses, you tend to understand yourself more and make a significant impact on your overall personality.

But here comes the prominent question -  is becoming a certified yoga teacher too easy? Well, certainly not!

However, there is a process, if followed, you can embark on this journey with utmost confidence and build a successful career for yourself. In this brief guide, we would be learning major aspects of becoming a certified yoga teacher.

This would include eligibility to become a yoga teacher, who all can enrol in yoga teacher training programs, and of course, how to become a yoga teacher in simple seven steps. So, let’s take a dive and understand it in detail.

Who Can Become a Yoga Instructor?

There is no doubt that the demand for yoga teachers in India, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations is increasing day by day. As per the recent survey conducted by ASSOCHAM, it is found that India has a shortage of an approximate 3 lakh yoga instructors.

Now when there is already a demand in the room, why would people, especially health enthusiasts, not enrol for yoga teacher training programs? But should you sign up for this? Or are you someone who should take up a yoga teacher training career? Let’s find it out for you.

If you think yoga is just another random career option, then you really need to explore it more. Yoga is a discipline that needs to be followed with full zeal and awareness. It is a journey of self-discovery wherein you learn values and ways to lead your life happily and peacefully. Hence, there are certain qualities every aspiring yoga teacher must possess:

  • You must have immense dedication for yoga and meditation
  • Must be equally passionate about teaching and changing the world with your knowledge
  • A basic understanding of yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation is important
  • You must have a strong mind-body connection to deal with yoga activities and other lessons
  • Being physically and mentally fit is essential
  • You must have good communication skills to make your students learn concepts easily
  • You must be flexible and open to adapt to new environments
  • Having a sense of inclusiveness is must for you
  • Make sure you are good at building connection with fellow instructors or people from yoga community because networking is important

So, if you have these qualities, then you are all set to enrol in your dream yoga teacher training program with us. These are the qualities which would allow you to have a successful yoga teacher training career.

Yoga Teacher Requirements

Now that we have discussed major qualities an aspiring yoga teacher should have, let’s understand further about significant prerequisites from the profession point of view.

For pursuing yoga teaching, or any profession for that matter, there are qualifications you need to fulfil. However, these requirements can definitely vary depending on the region and the yoga school you wish to teach at. There are also specific courses which require specific qualifications. For instance - you need to have completed your at least 300-hour yoga teacher training course if you want to take up advanced yoga classes.

Regardless, here are the basic qualifications you must fulfil before you commence your yoga journey and start teaching at a yoga studio, school, college, hospital, or gym.

  • You must have a minimum age of 18 years
  • Must be extremely passionate about yoga and should resort to personal yoga practice every day
  • Have got a yoga certification from a reputed school
  • Must have completed your bachelor’s degree in yoga or at least 200-hour yoga teacher training course
  • Have the basic understanding of teaching methodology, yoga anatomy, yoga philosophy, and ethics
  • Have a CPR and first aid certification
  • Maintain your yoga certifications and renew them whenever required
  • Obtain liability insurance to protect yourself in case of injuries or other such class incidents

How to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher In 7 Steps

yoga teacher teaching yoga

Becoming a certified yoga teacher would need a lot of dedication, hardwork, and perseverance. You need to be diligent towards your work to achieve your goal. However, you can easily become a certified yoga teacher if you follow the below-given steps:

Start Yoga Practice

student practicing yoga

Before you embark on your journey of becoming a successful yoga teacher in your life, make sure you have built a strong foundation for yourself. Hence, it is required to start your yoga practice as early as possible. Ensure you are aware of the fundamentals of yoga asanas and how to practise them. Make sure you understand the basics of yoga philosophy and ethics. Though it is not strictly required, you would have an edge and it would become easy for you in further learnings if you are well-prepared beforehand. So, attend various classes, understand breathing techniques, and deepen your understanding to become a yoga teacher.

Choose Yoga Style

Once you have commenced your journey, it is important you explore various styles of yoga, get familiar with their techniques, and then finalise the one you wish to excel in. Take your time to learn the fundamentals of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga. Understand your body flexibility and how you would be able to practise them during your training. Make sure the yoga style you are choosing for yourself resonates with you. It is your selection that would define your career, and hence, you need to be quite careful about it

Find Out the Right Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Programs

Now that you have finalised the yoga style you wish to practise to become a yoga teacher, the next step is to find out the right yoga teacher training program for you. Usually, there are four types of YTT courses including 200-hour yoga TTC, 300-hour yoga TTC, 500-hour yoga TTC, and specialised yoga TTC courses. Make sure the programs you are going with are accredited by reputed organisations like Yoga Alliance. Also, ensure these programs are well-backed by expert teachers and comprehensive classes.

Enroll and Complete At Least 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course

teacher teaching students

Of course, the next step would be to enrol in the program and complete your basic training, which is to go with a 200-hour yoga teacher training course. The program has been designed to deepen your understanding of the yoga world and it would help you become aware of yoga anatomy, yoga philosophy, teaching methodologies, ethics, alignment, and other theoretical and practical aspects of yoga. The 200-hour yoga teacher training program would also allow you to indulge in group discussions and engage in hands-on teaching practice, which eventually would make you a certified yoga teacher.

Get Certified

yogis with certification

Once your training program is done, make sure to get a certification. And to do so, you would need to undergo an assessment that would ensure you have acquired all significant skills and learnings to become a yoga teacher. The certification would be awarded by the school only after you have gone through teaching evaluations and written exams. Once you have this certification in your hand, you are all set to teach yoga at a yoga studio, yoga school, fitness centre, and other such places.

Apply for a RYT & CPR Certification

Now if you wish to enhance your credibility as a yoga teacher so that you can succeed in your career and grow with leaps and bounds, you should apply for RYT and CPR certification. RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) certification is provided by international organisations like Yoga Alliance and it ensures you have a certified yoga teacher. The process would require you to submit your training documents and certificates. You should also get the CPR certification as it would ensure you have the training to perform CPR in emergency situations. Yoga instructors with CPR certification are usually equipped to provide immediate assistance in case of cardiac events or respiratory problems during classes.

Launch Your Yoga Teaching Career

What are you waiting for? Get going and launch yourself as a credible yoga teacher. You have all the certifications in your hand to commence your journey. You can start with gaining teaching experience through classes at local yoga studios, gyms, or fitness centres. You can also join a community centre as it would help you make a great network.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I become a yoga teacher without certification?

Though most of the yoga schools and studios around the world require yoga teachers to have a valid certification to teach yoga, you can technically become a yoga teacher without certification. If you have required knowledge and skills, you can choose to teach yoga online or sign up as a teacher at small yoga studios, gyms, hospitals, and fitness centres.

What is the difference between RYT 200, RYT 300, and RYT 500?

RYT stands for Registered Yoga Teacher and RYT 200, RYT 300, and RYT 500 are designations that represent the levels of yoga certification provided as per the standards of Yoga Alliance. So, if you have completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training course, then you would become an RYT 200. While RYT 200 represents the basic level of certification, RYT 300 is for advanced level of certification and RYT 500 is the highest level of certification in the yoga world.

Is online YTT as valid as in-person training?

Though the popularity of online yoga teacher training is increasing day by day, in-person training is still considered by most yoga enthusiasts and yoga schools around the world. The validity of online Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) depends on factors like program quality and recognition by organisations like Yoga Alliance.

How long does it take to become a yoga instructor?

Becoming a yoga teacher needs patience, dedication, and a lot of hardwork. You can become a yoga teacher once you have completed your 200-hour yoga TTC or 300-hour yoga TTC, and these yoga courses usually last for about 3 to 5 months. Once you have completed your training, you would be eligible to teach at a yoga studio, yoga school, fitness centre, and other such places.

How much do yoga instructors make?

The earnings of a yoga instructor vary from place to place and it also depends upon the experience of the instructor. While a beginner can easily earn $20-$30 per class, an experienced and expert yoga teacher can make more than $100 per class. On the other hand, if you are a full-time yoga teacher, you can make an annual income ranging between $30,000 and $70,000. However, it all depends upon several factors such as location, experience, clientele, and of course, services.

How much does it cost to become a yoga instructor?

You can enroll in a 200-hour yoga teacher training course at a reputed yoga school and it would cost you somewhere between $1000 and $3000. If you wish to go for 300-hour yoga TTC or 500-hour yoga TTC, the prices would certainly be higher than the aforementioned price.


So, this is how to become a yoga teacher. Well, a certified yoga teacher! Follow the above-mentioned steps, be dedicated and diligent about your goals, and you are all good to be successful in your yoga journey. Wait no further and get rolling right away. Enrol in our special yoga teacher training programs for a passionate life and a successful career awaits you!


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