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Yoga Inversion Workshop - Yoga Teacher Training in Bali




Mastering the “SIRSASANA”(The Head Stand)

Are you afraid of inversions? Do you want to conquer the fear of doing Headstand or Sirsasana? You fear to believe in your body while performing balancing Yoga Poses? and feels like your body won’t be able to do these advance balancing Asana. Or maybe you are among those who do headstand, but having difficulties to stay longer and don’t know the crucial goal of this advance balance in pose. Or you are the one who wants to learn variations and to understand the ultimate goal of this particular Yoga Pose to improve the quality of your yoga practice.

I, Prashant Jakhmola, is organising two days Intensive Online Workshopin order to help you on the above mentioned points or to conquer your fears related to inverting your body into a Headstand.

While doing regular online yoga classes, I understood it is quite difficult to explain the depth of Asana in asingle hour by focusing on particular pose. Therefore, I have come up with a solution by organising a weekend Workshops focused on various Asanas and improve the quality of the practice.

On July 15 and 16. I am conducting four hours Live Yoga Inversion Workshop focused on Headstand each day for 90 Minutes.

By attending this Workshop, you will be able to go in depth of thisbeautiful yoga pose which is also known as the King of all Asanas.

Of course, it is not a magic of one day, you need consistency and regular, conscious effort in order to achieve any transformation, whether it is physical or mental. But this is also true that with proper understanding, you can reach your desired goal faster. Here is Me to guide you in this path to reach your goal quickly and with maximum safety. I am sure you will know such detailed explanation and important tips which will push you further in your practice.

Solet’s join on the weekend and learn the art of progressions and transitions of Headstand in Two-days Inversion Workshop with PrashantJ Yoga.


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This Online Yoga Workshop will focus on variations of Headstand or Sirsasana:

  1. 1. BaddhaHasta Sirsasana
  2. 2. Mukta Hasta Sirsasana
  3. 3. ParivrittaSirsasana
  4. 4. ParswaSirsasana
  5. 5. Padma Sirsasana

During this Headstand Workshop, the focused areas are:

  1. 1. Why Inversions should be practiced every day
  2. 2. How Inversion helps in PranicFlow
  3. 3. Mastery of Emotion through Inversions
  4. 4. Importance of Headstand to improve Semenand Egg quality.
  5. 5. Diversion of Sexual energy into Spiritual transformation
  6. 6. Inversion as memory booster
  7. 7. Improve Celibacy (brahmacharya) with Inversion
  8. 8. Sirsasana as monkey mind controller
  9. 9. Susumna balancing process
  10. 10. The immunity booster and best coordinator of body functioning

In this Inversion Breakdown Workshop, You will Learn:

  1. 1. Sirsasana key points
  2. 2. Three core points of Sirsasana
  3. 3. Pranic work with (Sahasara,Ajna,Manipura and Mooladhara Chakra)
  4. 4. Engagement ofThree Vayu (Udana, Prana, Apana)
  5. 5. Modification and variations of Sirsasana
  6. 6. Difference between Pointing Toes in flexedFoot in Sirsasana.

In this online yoga workshop, there will be various refined techniques and points which I am sharing with you, based on my personal practice and yogic research on Inversions. I believe this is one of the best workshops on inversion we can make together so let’s find the time and learn this beautiful, Energetic and

Pranic Yoga Pose - SIRSASANA

Registration Information:

Date: 15th and 16th July
Duration: 2 Days

Time: 90 Minutes Each Day

Bonus:15 Minutes of  Q&A Round

Book Now!


Yoga Inversion Workshop

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Acharya Prashant Jakhmola

Pranayama, Asanas


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Yoga Inversion Workshop – Headstand with PrashantJ Yoga


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The liberty, the inside oneness and openess that I felt after Prashant's classes always fullfilled me. I could feel the energy rising as well as the expansion of my limits. It is with a deep work of precision, humor, gentleness and perseverance that he gives his class. Prashant allowed me to go deeper on my and others and open new pathways. He's on of those who inspire and stays next to you for time ahead. Thank Prashant to have align me in so many ways and brought me further on. See you soon
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I believe Yoga Vidya School’s 200 hour yoga teacher training can change anybody's view on Yoga and its practice. The course teach you about real yogic lifestyle with its true meaning. The yoga teachers of this school have rich knowledge of all the aspects and principles of Yoga and goes deep into it to make it accessible to all level of students. Mantra and philosophy classes can give you a whole new energy. Another important factor that make this school the best, is its location away from the crowd of hotels and yoga schools of Rishikesh. The place is blessed with nature, making you feel like a real yoga retreat in jungle.

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The FAQ section of Yoga Vidya School addresses common queries about Yoga Classes, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Retreats, Online & Offline Yoga Events. You will also find answers to the queries related to enrolment process, accommodation and more.
Do i need any tool for this workshop?
I never did extent. Can I join the Workshop?
What if have migraine/mild headache/ high blood pressure. Can I join?
Will i get recordings, in case i want to see all the necessary information later.
I can do headstand, but I find difficulty in staying longer. Will this workshop help me?
Will I learn other Aashna apart from its time in this workshop?
I have back pain can I join this workshop?